Suspended in time, between artistic sublimation and spiritual introspection, the Cathedral of Monreale is one of the most astounding mosaic attractions of Sicilian antiquity.
Suspended in time, between artistic sublimation and spiritual introspection, the Cathedral of Monreale is one of the most astounding mosaic attractions of Sicilian antiquity.
Charm and catharsis guide the story of the Old and New Testaments.
Every single piece of the mosaic makes up the biblical story: from original sin to the coming of Christ the Redeemer, the parable of the salvation of the world through its own reincarnation is realized. Thus, the pathos sublimates and takes shape in the image of the Great Pantocrator (The Almighty) who, from the central apse, surrounds everything with splendor and magnificence.
One cannot escape the atmosphere of sacredness that permeates and crosses the three main naves, enclosed by two rows of Corinthian columns, then manifesting itself in the grandeur of the wooden roof in the shape of a ship’s hull.
The Cathedral of Monreale is an architectural temple, but also an altar consecrated to the purest and most profound spirituality, a cult of the soul that finds its spatial definition.
Cittadina medievale, borgo marino, comune storico, Cefalù incarna i mille volti che ne hanno plasmato il panorama ed il suo fascino. Dai rest....
L’acqua cristallina si infrange sul litorale sabbioso, le onde si increspano trascinando a riva frammenti di corallo, tutt’intorno si spar....